I finally got my hands on benzotropine

anyone tried benzotropine.how did you make you feel.did you get sideffects

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I’ve been using it for years for akathisia caused by my ap. I occasionally take a small dose if I’m really anxious about something. It does the job well for me. The only side effects are drowsiness and mild irritability. I hope it works for you! :slightly_smiling_face:

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i dont know my doctor didnt give it me from the start.not the best mental health in my city.

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I never noticed anything from benztropine

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Yeah, I really struggled with akathisia before my doc finally gave it to me. I too wondered why it took so long.

My doc at the time hurt her knee and needed meds that brought on akathisia for her. So, she finally understood how bad it feels and then prescribed some for me.

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