I figured out that I was delusional

I thought God was communicating to me through voices and stuff. The voices were telling me that I was going to be the fourth most powerful being in the whole universe. but I figured it out like 20 minutes after the delusions started. So I’m happy about that, but I’m still very angry. I’m not sure why I’m so angry. I think it is because I was delusional for a short time.


Oh, glad to hear it :slight_smile:
Me, I am quite spaced out too since years, but I don’t have hallucinations. Just some dissociation and other stuff…
I guess the voices can be exhausting. You still fight against the illness, maybe that’s why the anger now :confused: … Try to not think much about it, me too I get angry, but its a waste of time :confused:

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I’m angry because I don’t deserve the constant harassment. You should be angry too if that’s what you’re experiencing. It’s not fair. My private life is my private life. And I deserve to have a life just like everyone else.


Hi Ladybird , same here I sort of feel like I’m being covertly spied on. ■■■■■■■ creepy feeling.

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