I feel very self conscious about my looks

I am going to try online dating again but I cannot get a photo I like :pensive:

On top of this who wants to date a smoker who has Sz ASD and GAD?

It’s all so stressful to me but I want someone else in my life


Yeah it can be tough to overcome your insecurities but just put one up and see how you go. You might be pleasantly surprised and everyone at a certain age has baggage. I wouldn’t tell them straight up your sz but just work into things. There’s nothing wrong with that approach.


The photo issue is that I .don’t go out much and have no friends who have taken photos of me.

I am trying to take one using my mirror but it seems so vain and I don’t like it

Use a phone. I find I look better at an angle if I’m taking pics so I usually do that. Better to put something out there. I’d imagine you’ll surprise yourself so don’t be critical just pic one that looks ok. Just a suggestion. If I was dating I wouldn’t hesitate to use online dating sites…

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You are a handsome dude…I’ve seen your pic. You have rakishly good looks!

So hells bells my man! Put yourself out there. I think you’ll be surprised how many women might respond to you. :+1:


My main concern is that I did this before for 6 months and met no one in person.

The automated no thanks responses from people killed my confidence as I never even got to talk

I heard “Match” was a good on-line place to meet people. Maybe try that dating site?

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Yeah hearing that and it can be hit or miss but it’s worthwhile doing. I found that as a male seeking female most people responding to me were 10 years or more older than me. Weird world but that was the prevalence the last time I tried it.

All’s I would suggest is do the tests/activities which build your profile and just be casual and relaxed. It depends on the website but I think you can do ok for sure.

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I tried Match for a month… but then Covid started. If nothing else I can say you inspired me to try again. Both my siblings met their partners on match, so there’s that.

They have these extra curricular type events to break the ice. I was all set to do this ‘intro to welding’ event.

It would have been good for me regardless.

Does your site have anything like these ice breakers?

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You’re not a bad looking guy. Don’t be self conscious.

I’m sure there are many smokers and also non smokers who don’t mind that you smoke.

GL with the dating sites.

I was on pof okcupid bumble without paying. My experience was that pof was most active but u get some truly random randomers. Its like tkmaxx there’s a lot to go through but its worth it as there’s some suitable ones.

I’m considering going back on those sites in the future they are worth a shot. For Defo.

You could even use that last sefie you posted on here it’s a good one.

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