I feel traumatized by FND

Similarly traumatized by sza but that one I’ve been able to deal with more… Last night I dreamt various scenarios I could have seizures in, I’m scared to do anything. If I feel my emotions rise I have to quickly resolve it somehow or it could bubble into an episode where I lose mobility. My first seizure was definitely traumatizing because of the hallucinations. Its going to be hard to move past this

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I’ve been posting a lot less since I got it, not because I’m suffering less but because I just have no energy for much else beyond survival. Even posting feels draining most of the time. I don’t socialize anymore

I know how you feel. I also struggle with trauma from sz and now I’m having these chest pains and its a different type of fear. It’s not what your dealing with exactly but I can relate …

Really hoping things turn around for you :slightly_smiling_face: I know suffering is very hard

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