my new Seroquel prescription is greatly helping my psychosis. I have lost all my people in my life though, except my father. but he’s quite old now, 70, and has little life to live and before long will be gone. in some ways he already is. he’s tired and depressed and lonely. I mourn his suffering as it mirrors my own. I had intense delusions and nobody stuck around…
I’m a devout Buddhist. but as nearly all monasteries are closed for residential stays, I feel the need to do the practice of asceticism. If I die in the woods, it would be ok, and only I would truly understand the wisdom in that type of life. others, as it is today very fashionable, would think I was deluded and didn’t understand what I was doing.
We all are having a psychotic break, that’s inherit with being. not that it changes much, but I know I’m having a psychotic break, can any of them say or even comprehend the same opinion with. I see fine.