When someone had given birth in Europe and then later in the US, she was appalled and disappointed that The US doctors automatically knocked all the mothers out. When she woke up she was numb and numbly nursed her baby. It really changed her outlook. I hate the callousness one can see in doctors.
Im alot more skeptical of doctors nowadays.
They don’t still do that right? Sounds like a thing of the past.
That’s exactly how they did it when my mom was born.
Late 50s.
My mom chose not to use anesthesia when I was born. I think she used it with my brother tho. Then she had post-partum depression. I wonder if that has any relation or it was just fatigue from having two children. My mom didn’t have schizophrenia before I giving birth/I think the post-partum depression and stress caused her to have schizophrenia later in life, where-as me I think stress also caused mine…
I was born 100 percent healthy.
I was also skinny before being hospitalized when I was a teen. ever since then its been hard to lose the weight…
I got stuck in the birth canal and my mom had to have an emergency c-section. they used local anaesthetic before cutting her open.
The original plan was just a natural birth.
I’m in Canada and this was back in 1978.
More likely it will be due to plank thick stupid people who ignore doctors and look up “cures” like horse de-worming paste on the Internet instead.
Yeah if they atleast started using horse toothpaste then they’d for sure be cured
Hell, that’s how they did it when I was born. Early 70s.
They put my mom under some kind of light twilight anesthesia.
Shoot, when I got my hip done they gave me a spinal and boom, I was gone
My mum gave birth to me while standing straight. She wanted it that way. 1987
I think you must be mistaken, because nerve-block anaesthesia (such as spinal) is used specifically so as not to have to put the person under general anaesthesia (that is knock them out). A spinal numbs you from the injection site downward (all the way to your toes), but does not make you unconscious.
I only know what they told me , but when they were administering it they had me sit down in a certain type of curvature of the spine. It’s entirely possible that they were giving me a general through my various IV’s. I certainly don’t remember having a needle stuck in my spine, I would think you’d remember something like that.
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