I feel so alone

Welcome to the forums. :smile:


Welcome :blush: try to stay positive and trust that these delusions are gonna pass. I also sometimes feel important and special LOL that’s just hysterical but doesn’t hurt anyone. It’s gonna get better in time and you will feel like a normal person soon :blue_heart:

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I’m lonely too i need more friends. i just get me exploiting me. have no girlfriends society has excluded me

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hi simplyme192…you’vecome to a friendly supportive forum here.We all look out for each other. Feel free topost whatever you like. :heart_eyes:

hi karl, what you upto?

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hi Samantha…im currently just trying to find my feet. im taking the clozapine pill but it is laving mequite sedated. Im hoping to get a med change on Wednesday.

I take depixol.I have an injection. but my episodes have been getting worst.

Hi, welcome to this florid online community of people as crazy or crazier than I am.

But I am really crazy yo.

I want to meet Eminem because he is crazy too, just not schizophrenic. I mean have you listened carefully to all of his music? It’s enlightening. He is as “crazy” as I am yet he gets his ■■■■ together for his career.

Hmmm sounds familiar.

Me too very lonely. I was diagnosed after 50. My husband is in hospice and I’m feeling very alone.