Im paranoid and scared to death, i feel like im being track down from the fbi for something i did. Im i just delusion.
Unless you recently committed some murders or something there is no reason that the police and fbi should be tracking you down. It’s just a delusion.
no murders, i dont im not the violent type. Im kind and love hearted.
Im believe the police is going to track me down and kill me. im scared to death. I dont know why. I must be crazy or something im so convince its going happen sooner or later.
Well, if you havn’t done anything, the police aren’t after you.
And if they were, what reason would they have to kill you? They would arrest you if you committed a crime.
maybe your right im just over thinking it.
i look at something that i shouldnt have look at now im scared to death thats why.
Well, the police don’t come after people for looking at something. You are fine.
i look at a 16 year old girl in a bikini and video the same girl in short shorts i thought she was 18 i made a huge mistake i regret now i think there tracking me down. i used a vpn thought should i be worried.
I still wouldn’t be worried about it. The police have bigger fish to fry than someone looking at a girl in a bikini. I doubt that would even qualify as child porn if she was clothed. Just be more careful next time.
yea im scared, even i used a vpn i think they can still track me down, idk i think did something really bad i really regret it. I feel so guilty about myself, im feel sick and gross out. Im been praying to god. I feel like the whole fbi agency is after me and number target one right now. ■■■■ im so screwed.
lol. I’m telling you, law enforcement has bigger issues than this. You’re not in any danger. Even if they were after you they would arrest you not kill you. And I seriously doubt they are after you.
okay thanks. maybe im so delusional i convince myself its real.
It’s a symptom of schizophrenia. You’ll be fine. Talk to a doctor or family, or come on here for help.
okay thanks ill feel stuck in my own anxiety now. have to calm down. I just found out from a lawyer said its not child porn, i think im going to be okay.
Was this a girl you met online?
It’s ok because no one knows what your up to. You can watch whatever you want. Relax because your privacy is all yours man. You have schizophrenia and it makes you think other people know what your doing, when in fact, no one has a clue what your up to.
I felt the same way with my schizophrenia. I thought people knew what I was up to when I was alone, but it’s really just the symptoms of schizophrenia.
You should try a different medication, like Abilify. Abilify will stop them thoughts.
no its was a reddit post thought she was 18 but made some research she was 16.
You’ll be fine, don’t worry
But next time I would be more careful
Im starting realize from from your support its my schizophrenia symptoms thanks guys i really appreciate your help, i feel alot better now.