I feel like my work is being done here

@notmoses sharing his superior education in psychology has me like “Well ■■■■ he answered everyone’s questions better than I could have”.

Good on you, buddy.

I want to work in a mental hospital and probably will.


There’s plenty of room for both of you. Can you beat 9 minutes and thirty seconds, lol?

No because I have about 180lbs of muscle preventing me from moving that fast. If I did run 1.5 miles in 9:30, I would look like this

I would need help picking up a 45lb plate instead of lifting ten of them loaded on a trap bar, and wouldnt be able to open jars of pickles.


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I’ve just got a real long head start on you. Keep at it as long as I have… and you’re bound to know more than I’ve been able to piece together. Because you’ll outlive me, and the pace of research – as well as the means of dissemination – are faster and faster. As motivated as you are, you’re going to one hell of a lot.

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with me and my mates , its a running joke , I usually say that when the building is in flames and everyone is running for cover.

no but seriously , your only 22 years old , and you’ve alot done , considering you got your dx at 19(? I think). it took me alot more time and id wager everyone else here, to rise from the ashes.

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If you ran 1 1/2 miles in 9:30 you would look like you are from Finland?

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I thought you said “I think my work is done here”. Subtle difference.

That’s what I first thought too.

you have helped me heaps with your inspirational advice and understanding and support. :trophy:
it is good to have someone like you who is a high functioning sz…
you would inspire anyone on here to be the best they can be.
darth mouse :mouse: hug.
take care :alien:
p.s where is shifty dog ? :dog:
i miss his ’ shifty- ness ’ :smiley:


Our lord and savior Doge is here

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Recognizing other people for their efforts is a trait of confidence that very few own. I think you both are very lucky people to have had your lives directed to psychology, one day I wish I will change my life career and study psychology as well.

I think your career is really great as of today, but you could do whatever you want! You’re smart enough, that’s for sure. Psychology is a very interesting field of study, and it’s broad, very broad.

There is even industrial and organizational psychology, you could get a PhD in that and further your career in business. Lots of options! Many more jobs than just therapist.

Many more. I worked in marketing, promotion, advertising and PR for years. The comparatively much less sophisticated conceptual knowledge of human behavior I had then (vs. more recently) was a huge career empowerer.

thanks , i missed him :dog:
take care :alien:

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I am applying to an online degree in psychology from England derby university. I will see if they accept my papers, I am applying for the masters degree hoping they will consider my current degree in management. Maybe then I will have to take extra hours before I qualify for the masters but to run deep into Bsc again is tough. I will specialize in managerial psychology should the opportunity come across.

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