I feel like I've got no value

I don’t want to go outside. I don’t want to start up the car. Fear is ruling me. I have a social get together scheduled for Tuesday and I dread it. I’m at an unwanted low.


I hear you. I’m struggling with the type of stuff. Is it cold where you live, because you have to start your car. :dolphin::dolphin::dolphin:

Everyone has value. Everyone. That includes you. You are valued by your friends and family for sure… The only think you need to work on is valuing yourself.


Yes, it’s cold. I just don’t want to go out. I am afraid.

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Yes, it is cold here as well. I should really go outside to start my car, but have zero motivation. :rabbit::rabbit::rabbit:

how can you value yourself?

Remember to see yourself as you see those you love… If you wouldn’t say it to the love of your life, then you shouldn’t be saying it to yourself.


I can definitely relate. I, too, dread social gatherings and going out in public right now. I even dread taking my dogs out to go potty since any of my neighbors could see me outside. I don’t feel like myself and don’t want anyone to see me like this. But when I start feeling like I have no value or purpose in life and nothing or no one to live for…I remind myself not to think about how crappy my life and my physical/mental condition are now. Instead, I stay focused on how I want my life to be. If I focused on the “now”, I’d definitely lose all hope.

oh chordy…I wish I could give you a big hug…you are so sweet…don’t worry it will be tuesday come and gone before you know it.

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