I feel like fitness will become a big part of my idnetity

decided since I have all the time in the world on my hands that I will try to workout for 3 hours instead of 2. I mean I already have a homegym and some cardio equipment.

I know from the past, working out gets addictive, when I was in high school I would work out and run everyday. when I didn’t workout I felt weaker.

then when I started drinking, I kind of lost all the motivation to workout. I just wanted the feeling drinking or weed gave me and I let my fitness slip.

but now that im sober again, I need something to calm me down and make me feel like I’ve achieved something for the day and I think that will be exercising and breaking a sweat.

all my brothers and sisters are pretty fit. one of my sisters was a personal trainer before she became a mother, and still works out now that she has kids. my brother was a division 1 football player and in the army for years, he was mental about working out for the longest time. and my older sister just runs and is the thinnest of all of us. I asked her what her secret was to staying thin and she said that she never eats till she’s full.

in some ways, it was a nice vacation to put on some weight and be more carefree about my fitness. but now that im doing it again, I wish I would have never stopped.

I will probably lift weights and do some cardio until im50 years old. then I will transition to running on a treadmill for like 20 minutes a day and maybe just doing some lightweights.


Sounds like a solid plan. Good luck. :frog::frog::frog:

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thanks @GrayBear :grin:

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Yeah sounds great!
Good luck @Lifer!

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Do you have any interest in “American Ninja Warrior” type stuff? :thinking::thinking::thinking:

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I hope it goes really well for you. Sticking to a workout routine like that is quite an endeavor. I’m happy for you that you’re up to the task! You’ll feel so good about yourself. I myself haven’t been exercising and I feel guilty about it.

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@Wave thanks your encouragement means a lot

@GrayBear. no not ninja warrior stuff, the most ninja warrior thing I do is pullups, I would like to be able to do 37 reps eventually.

@LilyoftheValley , yeah Mondays after the weekend off are the hardest. but i did it today, so hopefully that sets me up for the week, im not feeling any soreness yet, so maybe i can go again tomorrow with some rest tonight.

i think starting small with walking a few miles is a good way to get back into things. but no reason to feel guilty, not working out doesn’t make you a bad person. sorry for telling you how to feel, i just don’t really know what to say.


That sounds like a great way to start @Lifer. :slight_smile:

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I just started my fitness journey last month and it feels amazing, even though I’m not at the weight I want to be at but I have the motivation to become something big!


@Longhorn21 I believe you can do it. My husband got really out of shape right after his spine injury. But he didn’t give up. He kept doing what he was able while pushing himself to get better. He’s now very strong again and can walk short distances. With dedication and hard work it’s definitely possible

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@LilyoftheValley I think I can to. My senior year I was in a major car accident that left me in a wheel chair. Doctors said it would be a few years till I could walk again. At the time I was enlisting to the Marines and I wanted nothing more but that. So I trained my body hard and in 6 months I was running!


Wow @Longhorn21! That’s an amazing story!


That IS an amazing story! Good for you @Longhorn21!

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Thank you! It’s my motivation, if I did it then I can do it now

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Pace yourself, limit your training to 3 days a week or something. If you get too much of it you risk giving yourself burnout

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