I feel like a loser

I get my hopes up when I start to reach the end of my injection, but then I just realize that I got no game and girls don’t take any interest in me and I get down on myself a lot because I can’t perform in bed. Everything seems hopeless…


If a woman loves you, she won’t care if you can perform in bed. You can try ED meds too. They’ll probably work best when you’re with someone you care about and trust. But if you can’t have intercourse, there are other pleasurable things you can do.


Its all good man. I have no game too and I somehow get girls. Its a crazy world, you just gotta embrace the part of you that is not normal. Its ok to be different, thats what makes you stand out to those same girls! You got this!!


The minute my ex couldn’t get it up anymore, I kicked him out of my life for good. Despite what I always told him, I must not have loved him.

Wow. That’s harsh. Why do you think you couldn’t handle it?

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Don’t really know. Guess that’s all he was good for.

It’s Not About Being a “winner”,

It’s Not About Being a “loser”,

Hold Tight to What You Hold Near And Dear to Your Heart.

And When The Fates Allow,

She/He Will Find You… . … :100:

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There are a lot of medical options besides ED, talk to your doc about it, but i agree with @CoCo …even if your girl does not love you, there are certain ways to give pleasure

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Girls are not essential. Lots of healthy mens and woomens die happy without any relationship in their life. I had a 48y.o friend who never had any relationship in his life and doesn’t want to. He’s happy like that. He works as a programmer for the government in France and makes more than 500 000€ yearly. I have never seen someone as happy as him.


My husband has ED. He has a spine injury. Anyway, he takes medication. Sometimes it works and sometimes it works for a little bit and then his pain kicks in and he has to stop. But it doesn’t bother me. I love him with all my heart. I knew he had the problem after we dated a couple months because he told me. I stayed. He’s totally worth it.


Also millions of priests are not allowed to have relationships, watch porn or even masturbate so that’s even worse.

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Did she said what I mean she said that no erection-kick him out!

Not all women feel that way

And now she’s in relationship with woman,just don’t get it???

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2 of my aunts never had relationships in their life and they refused every men who proposed himself. One died recently. They are happy that way and tell me relationships give troubles, emotional instability and headaches.

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The Spark Platonic Spiritual Egyptian Submission


In Response to My First Comment in Thus Thread… . … :100:

You don’t understand. I’m bisexual. I like guys and girls. And my ex was my ex husband who was a rapist and a wife beater who deserved to be treated that way.


@Solidus don’t feel bad.I get erections on thoughts of sex,and still don’t want to have sex.See from examples here how women are different.Trust is important.

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When I was a little boy I told my dad one time ‘i think life is going to kick my ass’

Low and behold I was right…

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