I feel close to a mental break

Today I felt like I’m gonna break… idk what happens when I hit that point but it can’t be good… I took my new med and am high as a kite but I know it won’t last


i also feel like not my best self at all.

i feel run down still with emotional and psychological abuse at work.

and at home the hallucinations (tactile) make me feel molested badly.

all this takes a toll…



you have so much pressure right now. It’s no wonder you feel this way. You must be so sad right now. Please take care of you. I hope your new med works soon and you feel better.


Reach out to whatever supports you have, its not a aign of weakness to ask for help.

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Try to do something that makes you feel stable: a song you know from a time when you were stable, a movie that is also from a time you were stable. Work on it