I feel Absolutely Terrible

I once flipped all the furniture (a 3 bed room) upside down and on the opposite wall from where it should have been, including the desk and nightstands. The furniture was very, very heavy, and I was pretty skinny, but strong. It was only me in that huge boring room, so I did what I could to stay busy.
This was in a psych hospital and it took most of the day. Finally a nurse walked by and I could hear her walking down the hall to the nurse’s station saying very loudly "Whose in room # 34(?).

Oh-oh, that was my room. She came back and yelled at the top of her lungs "put all the furniture right-side up and back where it belongs!

I think the entire staff had to come see what the fuss was about, and come to think of it, I should have sold tickets.


do you have experience of these type of things?
i mean commands or sexual psychotic based stuff

hilarious!!! x 1515151515

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No, I don’t have command delusions and I have never been overtly sexual.
What I have are scientists who control my brain and my behavior. That’s my delusion. I only found out about them in June of 2015 but they have been controlling me for like 15 years. During my first psychotic break, I went dancing down the street thinking “WTF am I doing???” but I couldn’t stop myself. I realize looking back that they made me sleep with a lot of people over the last decade since I have been divorced. They stage-set scenarios and then made sure I followed through. It is really repulsive to me. I have never pushed, insisted or forced sex though. It is usually the opposite. I realize I am delusional and that I am responsible for my own sexual behavior but it sure feels very much like they were controlling me a lot of the time. Such a gross thought. People having sex with a controlled lab rat woman. It’s disturbing. I wish my delusion would go away.

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Sounds like a waking nightmare, I hope you get relief from this

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It is a nightmare. I feel they constantly taunt me. Thank you for the well wishes.

If being registerd as a sex offender is the same as having a criminal record; then I can see how detrimental it can be.

just stay strong. also, try connecting with other sex offenders. a community, united under the same topic, can be very helpful and supportive.

in fact, that’s how I found this place