After I broke my neck in 2001, the insurance company raped me psychologically and financially for 7 years. Using Insurance legislation twisted around, to do you nothing but endless harm
■■■■ those ■■■■■■■ cocksuckers, may they rot in ■■■■■■■ hell. But I’m still here, and I’m doing better than I ever have been for years.
No, I settled in 2008. But I have been so messed up in the head for so long, I’m just starting to come out of it now. The insurance company was a huge part of the problem, for sure though
Nothing more predatory in this country than companies that make huge sums of cash by screwing over the average joe. Here’s something I could never figure out: auto insurance is mandatory - so why do I have to pay uninsured motorists fees? I get that not everyone keeps their insurance up to date, but with the words taken at face value, it makes zero sense and is a tautology. Also, I think auto insurance is a scam. That is all.
Glad you’re still with us. Financial settlement or not, a broken neck could have made you into a quadriplegic. Sometimes being lucky is just enough when considering the circumstances. Be well!
Well said @anon40540444 . The Ugly Truth is, when you need them the most, they are not there to support you… They are there to take advantage and attack. I’ve lived it
The physical damage healed fairly quickly. It took maybe a year, but that was working at it every waking hour to get my body moving again after paralysis right side. Nerve damage can be rebuilt, but you have to act fast.
It’s been mostly brain damage and spinal cord injury, and a wide range of disorders arising during different periods of my recovery. They have ranged through dissociative disorder, PTSD, major depressive disorder, grand mal seizures and now schizophrenia. I’ve always tried my best to count my blessings, though at times it seemed fruitless
Very cool. Still. Be kind to strangers and keep things cool with the swearing when you post in future. You might have beat the spam filter this time but it’s important to keep things here from devolving into some other parts of the internet.
My ex Mrs worked in insurance over in the states when I lived there. It’s a pretty bad thing and opened my eyes to the litigation. It was all about money and they don’t care of any of your drama’s.
Anyways. Much peace but please be kind to the community and avoid the swearing!