I don't want to go to hell

I can really relate to your profile pic by the way it’d all the things the voices tell me

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Vacations? Sounds fun. Cowabunga!!

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Jonah and the whale causes me to be a skeptic, what about you?

Sometimes İ feel like i m cursed.i feel like everything in wrong place

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I feel and hear ya.

You are not going to hell… I have heard this too many times and that I am a demon, evil, a serpent etc… I find that when I hallucinate it’s usually what I fear most that the voices latch on to and feed back to me… so if you can change this to something else something more positive then it will lessen in intensity…

Like the other day it told me I was going back to my country so I told them that maybe they should go that my country is quite beautiful and maybe they need a vacation and it stopped.and went to something else.

Hell sounds like a vacation right about now. But there is no hell, only what you create it to be.

I’ve done a little research on near death experiences, and the good ones outnumber the bad about 9 to 1. I don’t follow all of the Christian doctrine, and I am philosophically skeptical about the existence of hell. Surely no God who was truly benevolent would send people there. I’ve come across people who professed themselves to be atheists who were still fearful of going to hell. They know it is not real, but on an emotional level its presence scares them. Fearing hell is something that is shared by many people. Try not to think about it.

I worry about hell too. Ive had several years much like it.

my voices say the same that the rich are in heaven and the average man gets tortured for what he does in life but the Bible says the opposite that rich usaly go to hell and the poor get to go to paradise

I don’t know… my best friend swears SHE is the Devil and she’s not so bad. Just remember the God judges our hearts no matter who we were in past lives and each life is a fresh start that leaves room for great error in that lifetime if the person truly has great remorse and makes corrective efforts to avoid that mistake in the future. You could fudge up quite spectacularly and still not go to hell if you try to fix it. Love is like that and Gods love. Take care @Mrs.Kitty

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Yeah I get that too. It’s hard for normal people to believe but I have to define it as something external to get by. Back when all this started I thought it was just me being a loner and creating them out of necessity to combat my loneliness but that meant that it was part of me. In the beginning it was ALL good. I never had a single negative voice from 2010 to 2016.

Suddenly on April 20, 2016 my voices snapped and it went from Gods & Angels, the beauties of our universe, life, love, unicorns… you get the picture. It was ALL good stuff, never evil until April 20, 2016 when I spent the day speaking to a voice who had been in my life from January 2014 and still stops in to torment me to this day.

His name was Luke until April 20, 2016. I was writing… documenting because to me this information I had been fed was significant and needed to be shared with the world. So suddenly Luke said as I was typing “You spelled that wrong.”

I looked up and perused my document “No I’m not. Besides there’s spell check.”

“Not a word.” He said “My name. It’s L.U.C. As in Lucifer”

That’s the last thing I remember before coming to while stopped at a red light that had apparently turned green just before I came out of it because I looked up and all the traffic in front of me was a block down the street. I was thankfully the last car and I drove straight home only to black out at my front door and found myself out driving again. That day I fought hard and I remember being told I was being tested.

That night I went to sleep and had a horrific dream that my husband of 20 years raped our daughter. She is the only girl out of my family’s 11 grandkids. I was raped, molested, physically abused… you know… just the worst humans in existence in charge of my destiny but whatever. I’m over it. I have LIVED my hell. My baby girl I thought I had protected from that fate until that night. I dreamt he raped her and I woke up from that dream stuck in that mindset that sometimes happens when you wake up from a very vivid dream and feel like you are still in it.

I was still experiencing the feelings of disgust from the dream when I blacked out again. Looooooooooong story short I beat my husband bloody and he called the police. I spent months homeless before he found me and asked me to come home to my wonderful family.

You’re not Lucifer @Mrs.Kitty

Lucifer himself is the only thing in existence that can break a person’s mind like that. Now that I KNOW that angels and demons exist I am much more capable of fighting this off for my sake and my family’s. I do not believe that I am capable of that much hate and even though he lies I have love for Lucifer because his Father does.

Lucifer is REALLY good at making people believe his lies. He gave me that dream specifically because nothing else would hurt me. He had been trying all day and towards the end of that VERY long day I was fighting hard and winning more than half of the time when he tried to take over.

He KNEW his time with me would be limited to one more day at best and he had to act. My daughter experiencing my childhood horrors is my worst nightmare and for it to be her own father… my OWN mind probably played a big role in the blackout that bloodied my dear innocent husband.

I don’t know if I really had a point but I am pretty positive that Lucifer is indeed in a human vessel BUT!!

He is NOT going to out himself like schizophrenics are so apt to do. Lucifer wants to hide under our noses and get away with murder. He is not going to give up his anonymity.

Here’s what I think. I think Lucifer left hell and all hell is literally breaking lose. Some of those demons aren’t actually bad. Look at it like this. Not all humans are good and they aren’t all bad. Lucifer, the fallen angel, is proof that not all angels are good. He took a handful with him but 2 Corinthians 11:14 says “For Satan himself masquerades as an angel of light.” Meaning he will do just what he did to me and come as an angel of light and not something evil. Not all demons are bad either.

Based on MY voices I am under the impression that any available celestial entity is currently in attendance of one of the most spectacular of celestial events and that is our very own apocalypse. Entities from the universe over are here in human vessels and that includes demons to witness the inevitable win of humanity over evil albeit this won’t happen completely in a single lifetime so don’t get too excited.

What I personally think is that those of us who think we are some sort or demon may in fact be actual demons in human vessels. We dont know where we come from. It’s just a theory and says nothing more than there is good and bad in all aspects of our universe and we can’t help all the bad that comes our way but we dont have to be who we were created. We choose our destiny.

:heart:Choose well @Mrs.Kitty :heart:

I don’t know what’s worse: being in an artificial reality/hell or the real world in hell for eternity. Probably the latter is worse.

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