I dont want either illness or medication with their side effects?

is there a way in between ??
like alternative therapy or something like that ??

CBT and standard therapy will help you manage symptoms better and perhaps function on fewer meds. Maybe. It depends on the individual and the severity of their illness.


Meds are the frontline treatment for schizophrenia. I’m no expert but when it comes to alternative treatments; sure there are some people who claim they “cured” schizophrenia with vitamins for example, or other means. The thing about alternative treatments is that they work for a very small minority. I mean hell, even lobotomies worked for some people.

Umm, you are not alone. I’ve never met anyone yet who wanted schizophrenia. And believe me, people only take meds because they work. No one likes side effects or being sedated or gaining weight etc. But meds are proven to work for some symptoms of schizophrenia. Doctors prescribe them because they see that meds work.

Prescribing medication is not an exact science by any means.
What works for one person, will not necessarily work for another person; unfortunately we’re Guinea pigs.

You can research alternative treatments but there’s no guarantees they will work.


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