I dont use my brain much now

but i think that can be a good thing, why waste precious recourses lol, its not good over thinking things anyway. i guess you could say an empty head is a healthy head.

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I was away two months and I wrote 600 pages, I learned how to accelerate the speed of thinking …


i cant do that as i would burn out a lot and get unwell but good for you,

i just dont see the point in wasting all of that energy, i mean who is going to read it? if i wrote 600 pages no-one would want to read it, i cant even do 2 hours in an office without feeling queesy.

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I wrote 600 pages for myself … my Finnish mind is much faster than my English mind …


no, i’d rather just be an observer, i like to observe things, i am a witness lol a modern day witness to life. the less i think about things the happier i feel, i dont think humans are supposed to use their brain that much anyway, most things that have been thought up actually do more harm than good i’d say,


it’s okay to not use your mind much, especially if there’s no reason to do so. as for me, I’ve been using my mind a lot.

yeah, that’s pretty much me too. I really want to move the car though. I know I could. hope I could?


My brain is like a stuck gas pedal on a car which is in neutral - the engines working overtime but the car is going nowhere.


even just bringing the revs down is a good idea, my brain use to be like that, over revving and all of that and its all to do with the carburetor and getting the right fuel mixture (meds) also trying to tell the whoever is driving to ease off a bit lol. (easier said than done) :confused:

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mine has been the same the last few days


I have yet to find the balance between using my head and leaving it alone.

I have had really bad brain fog lately. It keeps me from using my brain excessively.