I don't like spreadsheets

I find it hard to focus on the information within them. because of the way the info is presented(the layout).

Maybe it has to do with my less than good visual memory. I struggle big time with the horizontal scrolling that needed, because of the number of columns a spreadsheet has. Maybe it’s just me. I’ve never come across anyone else who has the same problem with spreadsheets.


Must be hard to focus on yea. Is it a sensory issue? Like feeling overwhelmed by all the information or?


Good questions,which aren’t easy to answer. Primarily I’d say it has to do with the way the info is presented, i.e spread out. Ideally I want it contained within the horizontal length of the laptop screen.


Hmm I see. I’m kind of similar while working on a music production program. The music clips are presented along a timeline and I’m very particular about the view. Once it starts to get too full I feel overwhelmed kinda and have to spend time organizing it. Maybe it’s something similar…maybe not.

Are you doing taxes or something?

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I used to have to work with PivotTables a lot in my job. Got some training at NUS for it.

Basically, the sales data were collected in PivotTables in Excel by Finance. And I had to capture the major wins and losses and ask the Regional Business Managers what the story was. Collect everything in a report and send it to senior management.

The life of a job as a Business Analyst.

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Nothing that intelligent. It’s to do with genealogy ( the Margaret Higgins database, register of Papists)

Margaret Higgins Database

This free database contains over a quarter of a million references to Catholics throughout the UK from the 17th to the 20th century taken from a wide variety of sources including lists of recusants and other records.


Man I love spreadsheets. I almost dropped the class in college. I stayed thru it all. Lol


Make an access data page for it. It would have query and searchable mode with scrolling all day.

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I learned to hate them when I had to maintain software that generates them with some horrible Java API.

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I’m overwhelmed when I see data. Especially in excel

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I maintain a lot of spreadsheets at work. I hope I am burning off bad karma each time I have to use one. Ugh.


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