I dont know why my roomate wont shut up

I currently have a room mate who ive told explicitly many times to leave me alone. I am currently disabled and have no interest in partaking in this persons stipid conversations or see or hear what this person has to say about their friends or associates. She cant accept this and constantly tries to blow up everything out of proportion. I dont like her friends or family members. But she is always trying to bring them up.

Why do certain people have the inability to leave someone alone? She knows i am disabled.

In my whole life i have never met someone this obnoxious and self centred. I could cut her out of my life but shes strangely persistent.

Is she disabled, too?

If she wants me to shut up about her friends, she should might as well shut up about mentioning them so that they look less suspicious and i merely have doubts about them.

I dont think so. Shes just highly invested in trying to bother me. She has nothing better to do for some reason. She knows herself what is obvious about my disabity and inability to do many things but she just wants to make my life more complicated out of spite.

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I think you should encourage the re-writing of interpretations, even change the alphabet (hieroglyphs), that is if you still look after cats.

Have you seen the legend of Zoro;

This probably isn’t what you want to hear but when you live in close quarters with a roommate it’s good to be on good terms. So a little small talk occasionally might make sharing this space a little easier and make a better atmosphere in the house/aopartment. But if you want nothing to do with her that’s your right. What kind of living situation is this? Is it some kind of mental health related housing? Can you complain to a counselor or worker who is responsible for you guys and the apartment? Because that’s my situation now. We have a counselor who comes over every three weeks to talk with us and we tell her any complaints we have or issues with doing chores etc. Your roommate is either clueless or pushy.


I dont try to respond to her bc she asks stupid questions at the most inappropriate times. For instance today i was browsing the site of some guy from my highschool bc he had an interesting film style and she suddenly tried to take over the computer inappropriately asking unrelated questions. She always does this when she gets bellyaches over me taking an interest in something respectable… as if she thinks i always have to be sick like a dog doing close to nothing all the time. She contemptibly hates it if i take enjoyment in small things like gym, coffee, facebook, etc.

I dont know what her issue is but most people i know hardly care what i do. I think shes on drugs with a severe personality disorder. I dont know yer how to get her reported.

Yeah, I understand. My upstairs neighbor throws a fit and starts banging things around whenever I show a spark of life or learn something about life. He goes crazy until I stop.

But nooooooo, my neighbors aren’t doing things to me. But noooooo, my neighbors aren’t listening to me in my own apartment.

Perhaps maybe you should live by yourself. Maybe you could start looking for housing where you could get government help.

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