I don’t know what to say when people ask how i am. I guess im alive so that makes me ok i guess so thats what i typically say. But im not ok in alot of ways. I hit a bad depression spill and have been thinking about killing my self alot lately. I know Its probably temporary and pointing it out might just cause more of scene so i avoid saying im sad. But i know if it where anyone else and they told me this, I’d say it wasnt ok and they should let me help. But im sure the only people in my life wouldn’t be able to do anything anyways and my parents do a pretty good job of making me feel like crap about the situation. So what should i say? I feel like I’ve been lying at the start of every . i iconversation for the last few months.
I always do that i always say im ok even when im not. Cause i have responsibilities and a job and of i tell the truth i could just end up making everything worse. So i think its ok to say ur ok even when ur struggling. I think thats kind of u since u dont feel the urge to lay down everything thats going on with everybody. Cause u know they cant do much since they dont know how and would probably just cause stress. But maybe find a few people that u can talk openly with and let them know that hr not ok. I think its also important to have people as well. Just not nessecarilly everybody.
It’s a frustrating question to answer isn’t it? How are you going?
My natural response is to say “I’m well thank you, how are you?” because I don’t really want to say “Well actually I think about causing my own death about every second minute of the day and I live in my own frightening world full of monsters and spies.”
You are right, it is like starting every conversation with a lie.
I am always truthful about my current situation. That usually turns people off, to say the least, but I still don’t want to lie.
I just say “hi” in respnose to “how are you?” because, ultimately, it’s much less a question and far more just a greeting.
i think you should just be yourself and be honest about how you feel if your parents were aware of how upset you are they would probabally be more careful with their words and attitude if they know the truth about how your feeling .