My granny and aunt said they think I should change my medicine because I’m still experiencing delusions and hallucinations. But the thing is, I dont believe I have schizophrenia. I believe I really believe I have a hidden camera implanted in me. I believe the world is watching me and want to harm me. I know, what’s so special about me, but when you hear the tv talking about you and everywhere you go you hear people talking about you what else do you do. I’m just tired and I hope it doesn’t come to the again where I want to take my life. I’m tired of living everyday in fear thinking people want to harm me or not having my privacy and a peace of mind.
I also ask why me? What’s so special about me?
My life is broadcasted
Those thoughts you’re having are symptoms of severe schizophrenia. And your family is right, your current treatment clearly isn’t working.
I know it all feels real and logical, but that’s the danger of schizophrenia. It can make you believe things that make no sense
From google :
Anosognosia, also called " lack of insight ," is a symptom of severe mental illness experienced by some that impairs a person’s ability to understand and perceive his or her illness. It is the single largest reason why people with schizophrenia or bipolar disorder refuse medications or do not seek treatment.
Don’t be tricked by the disease. Listen to your doctors.
Listen to your Granny and Aunt @anon55704218
The meds you are taking now are not working.
Listen to your doctors!
@anon55704218 …I know how u feel…but trust me these delusions can be cracked…you just neeed to get the right meds…and also CBT can help
I hope you crack these delusions soon
Sorry about that @anon55704218. I am afrmy aid someone is in my body, which is possible, I am so scared. I will try to ask them to leave this is the only way… I want to be left alone. Someone is putting images in my mind and making me say things I don’t mean.
I mean I am afraid
It seems like I dont have control of my thoughts either
Without the embarrassment and intrusive thoughts things would be bearable. And also creepy characters thinking they are talking to me.
I hate going places and everyone is talking bad about me.
Why would they be talking about you? Anything embarrassing or salacious about you. Probably not. I wish I can give you peace of mind @anon55704218. Where do you feel less watched? At home or outside? It is best to talk to your psychiatrist about this.
I think they are watching my thoughts and I’m thinking negative thoughts so I believe they want to come harm me.
I feel safest at home
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