I don't know how i'll finish the semester

I just don’t know how im going to make it. I have a 8 page paper due in 2 weeks, astronomy homework. Then final exams. The 8 page paper is enough to stress me out to the point that i don’t want to do anything. I just don’t know how im going to make it. Its been stressful enough with dropping half my classes and being hospitalized multiple times. I can’t withdraw because its after the deadline and id have to get a petition or something to withdraw. So im stuck with a lot of work to do without the brain power to do it. Im so screwed. I just want this to be over.

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Break up into small pieces. Don’t think of it as an 8 page paper. Write one page a day and tell yourself it’s a one page paper each day.


@Anna is exactly right. Break it into smaller pieces. That’s what helped me get through school. You might just need a break too. Take a couple of hours today to binge watch a show or do something fun. You may just need to recharge your batteries. Good luck! :sunny:


If you have a sympathetic tutor, maybe you should tell them that your struggling. Sooner rather than later, whilst you have time as my uni used to have a late hand in penalty.

Maybe you could write a mind map for your essay to structure it?

Also if your at uni do you have counsellors that you can talk to so that you can manage stress more easily.

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I feel you its like that for me at work. I agree with everyone about breaking it down into smaller sections. Just tackle it little by little. You will make it!!

@Kazuma Sometimes the worrying about a thing is worse then the thing itself. Just set small goals—for example, start with spending a half hour brainstorming about a topic for your paper. Then spend an hour putting together a rough outline for your paper, and so on. You can do it!

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