I don't feel happy, but I don't feel sad either

So what am I feeling? Neutral?

I’ve been oversleeping lately. Ever since I stopped my antidepressants I sleep like a baby. 10-11 hours.

I’d rather sleep for 8-9 hours a night.

It’s sunny today, but somehow I still don’t feel happy…

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I’m feeling the same way today :frowning:

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I find this state better than the total sadness though… Just keep going if you can, this illness is always a shock to our minds :slight_smile: I think, that you need a bit of time and it’ll get better…

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I feel this way a lot too

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I can’t concentrate today

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feeling neutral cool dude. its not bad. feel better man.

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Why not put a positive spin on it and say “peaceful?” It is better than anxiety, right?

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