He’s pretty smart for someone who isn’t here.
Been there
Is everything alright way12go? How are you my friend?
Thanks guys.
Here is what " I don’t exist " means…
If I am riding a bicycle then two or more incidents of guys taking a sudden sharp turn
and I’m am like what the hell? All hell broke lose
Why are these guys targeting me?
So there are paths in this journey where everything is smooth
and there are brain damage causing drivers driving recklessly
So instead of hell I just escape hell
" I don’t exist "
I just know that reckless driving can cause hell anywhere in the journey
so when it doesn’t happen
there is no hell
and when it happens
Depression+Schizophrenia and HELL
I don’t exist so no hell
it just didn’t happen
I was not there
I don’t have enemies
nobody is causing brain damage
It’s not enemies or brain damage, they are not drilling holes in my head
they didn’t hell me in the past, my birth defects ( teeth and deviated septem - I’m not a clone ) are not caused by enemies
I simply don’t exist.
Steven Shiau has announced the release of Clonezilla Live 2.4.2-61,
this is just a coincidence … not real
I don’t exist.
When I was a kid I used to say
Sagar Godzilla