I use my credit card to pay for most things.
I ordered a pizza pie over the phone and included the tip using my credit card.
I haven’t touched cash in months.
Am I the only one?
I use my credit card to pay for most things.
I ordered a pizza pie over the phone and included the tip using my credit card.
I haven’t touched cash in months.
Am I the only one?
I get paid in cash everyday, so yeah I use it a lot
I don’t use cash either.
Cash is pretty well none existent in Australia. In 2019 when my partner and I went to Germany, we instantly got in trouble with a disgruntled taxi driver because we paid using out card. Apparently you need cash to get around in Germany.
I rarely use cash. Occasionally when I get gas so I don’t have to go in to pay.
Ye only swiping here too🤑
I use cash a lot. But primarily because I think my bank charges me a fee when I use my card that way. So I just withdraw cash every once in awhile rather than having a bunch of fees on my bank statement.
I use cash and credit card 30% - 70%.
i like using cash
ive been in Germany in 2006 and 2012 its one of the countries that love using cash.
I pretty much always use my debit card.
I haven’t used cash since before the pandemic, so about a year and a half.
Not a big user of cash, but it has its place. If I’m at a restaurant and I don’t trust the staff/server, I’ll pay cash, or at least, tip in cash and put $0 tip on the receipt.
The most inconvenient is the gas station. Go in, put money down, go out, pump fuel, go back in and get change, go back out and leave. Fuuck that. Huge PITA.
I’m protective of my debit card because, well, it’s linked to my money. Remember to check gas pump terminals and cash registers for card skimmers folks!
Just the debit card for me. I only drew cash out for the cleaner.
debit and paypal, i dont get out much so mostly paypal as all my transactions are usually online or through apps
I use cash for some local small businesses like my pharmacy and my barber because if I use a credit card they lose about 10% of the purchase to the credit card companies for processing. Also I use cash in our laundry card machine because I worry that someone might install a card skimmer on it someday or it might be hacked in other ways.
I generally prefer using cards though because I can track my expenses pretty easily with Mint.
Yeah the local barber accepts mainly cash but now I buzz my own hair.
More and more places are accepting plastic.
If I used cash I’d have to drive to the bank often, I mainly use checks for bills and my debit card for everything else.
If you are going to do that then get a cash back credit card. Get a few hundred dollars back at the end of each year (depending on how much you spend on your credit card)
I use cash some, cards most of the time.
I am trying to take out certain amount of money per fortnight from my account so that I’m not relying on card transactions in case someone uses my card I won’t know necessarily which transaction is mine and which isn’t. Plus I’m less likely to overspend