I don’t get

“Rude” humor… I don’t know how to explain it. But when friends call each other “b*tch” or make rude comments like “tell her to get off her ass!” I know they’re joking around but I don’t get it… it’s not funny to me.
And it’s def not like me to cuss or say mean things to people. Even if it’s a joke. I feel so uncomfortable around people like that.

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What does that mean?

Like “get off your ass”?

Stop being lazy

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Comedians sometimes call it “working blue.” The technical name might be “ribaldry.”

I think I read one theory that one of the central aspects of humor is surprising the audience, and one way of surprising them is by violating an expected rule of behavior.

Some people may not like such a surprise, as you noted.

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I get the b*tch part but not the get of your ass part.

Its always the way being said. I got so many jokes are not funny. I think how you feel at the moment and where you come from. When your life is hell, ofc your jokes are rude to some people.

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I mean comedians normally do it right… I’m talking about family members or people I know from real life that try to use that humor

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Yeah, it is risky, even for professionals. I think such humor should usually be avoided by amateurs, unless they have a very good reason.

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My humour test is always…

Is the joke funnier than it is mean? If so, I’ll go ahead and post it. I quite often walk the line with my jokes. Hopefully I make people laugh more than I upset them.

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