I went to a baby shower today! There were lots of people in a small place and I didn’t panic my way out of it. I was still quiet and withdrawn some of the time, but I went and I was talkative and engaged for a few moments. I’m proud of myself, it’s been so long.
Way to go! I wish I could say that I have done something social recently.
It wasn’t easy. I’ve recently lost a tiny bit of weight so I thought my clothes from last spring would fit me again but of course they didn’t. That threw me waaaay off track. I said I didn’t want to go at least 7 times to my partner beforehand. We even had to stop at a busy store for gifts. I wanted to go home soooo badly, but sometimes you just have to use all of the power you have to force yourself. I sat around for the whole event and came back exhausted from forcing myself to take it all in calmly. It’s hard work but it’s worth it, small steps. Ask the mailman what he thinks of the weather next time you see him or call up an old friend and find out how they are. Those achievements may seem small but they’re damn good ones! Good luck @crimby
Congrats, Brittany. I had issues with socialization, too. It is rooted in a hallow and numb mind we had due to medication. Usually my mind did not react fast enough to have something to say when hearing what other people said.
Well done! Small steps in the right direction.
Good for you!
Actions often speak louder than words. Someone corrected me by saying “To-Do?” --> “Do”.
Pleased to know it, Brittany!
Good for you, Brittany. My challenge is to keep going to the gym which is also a social event as we often converse while working out. My problems are wanting to lie to make myself look good, sticking my foot in my mouth, and trying to be a know it all. Other than that, I’m ok, lol.
I’ve just started my meds last week, I noticed they make me really oblivious to what’s around me… Damn near ran a stop sign yesterday while looking dead at it. I totally get the [quote=“green6, post:4, topic:48859”]
my mind did not react fast enough
[/quote] I’ve gotta talk to my prescriber about it. Luckily we meet this week. I “forgot” to take them yesterday and woke up feeling so amazingly clear minded, but the hallucinations and voices were strong again. I’ll be taking them today😓 It sucks. I up my dose today too😔
Well it sounds like you know what the issue is, which is SO much more than you may feel like it is. I heard a saying, you can’t walk a mile without taking the first step… Or something like that. That one helps me a lot. Anyways. You’ve got a really healthy way of exposing yourself to social situations where you get full control of the social level you want to reach. That’s awesome! Maybe I’ll join a nearby gym @PinCushion
DO join a gym, Brittany. The benefits are awesome.