But we’re not on the same page. He wants to live together first. I want to marry now. I mean it’s already been 4 years together.
I don’t care for it @daze ever since I had my last episode I feel like I just can’t. Maybe it’s the guilt of hurting him. I need to work through it.
well, you gotta try him out. Phil says he touches himself over 20 times a day. Don’t you care about him?
Maybe compromise and live together for a bit then get married. I know you want what you want, but be thankful you have someone in your life. I haven’t had anyone in a really long time,
I care about him but I also don’t want him to feel I’m doing it when I don’t want to. That would hurt him more.
yeah. I don’t know what you’ve said about him, he may want to go elsewhere.
Yeah he’s welcome to go elsewhere if he wants … I can’t hold him back.
I’ve thought about it a lot … when I got ill in hospital I was trying to hook him up with some woman in the hospital … he doesn’t want to move on and neither do I. I wish I could but I just don’t care.
okay. hope the job works out. I got certified in peer to peer, and they wanted to me to ge counseling.
I said fu-ck that, I can run a whole class. do it, girl!
It’s only for less than 6 months. I thought it will not only be good for others I help , but I could learn from patients too. It might be something I want to do long term so I can try it out.
You’re a peer support worker too I had no idea !
well, I’m certified, but NAMI doesn’t do much anymore. NAMI and most psychiatrists are big on Bi-polar.
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