I cover ears with both hands

But i still hear the voice of Louisa telling me to die. I use earbuds and i am a bit distracted. Anything else I can do?
I wrote down what voices told me today.
I am finishing the third book of voices.
I started a couple of weeks ago to write down all nonsense and absurdity

I also have running commentary on my actions, but milder than the previous episode some months ago. Then I wasn’t taking zyprexa. This time, with zyprexa, it’s milder

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Tell your pdoc that you still hear voices telling you to die.

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Consider clozapine ?


I would try it if I wouldn’t have to do blood work every week. Also the side effects: bedwetting, drooling etc

I must tell him. I wonder what else he can do. I am already in high doses

You got to weigh up your option of what’s worse.

Hearing voices 24/7 or pissing your bed

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Maybe I should learn to live with symptoms.
I will ask pdoc about clozapine

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You Mightn’t get those side effects.

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Yes, maybe. I am gonna ask him.

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I use earbuds and listening to classical, my favourite genre. I have read that music can be a good distraction from voices if it’s the genre you like.

Humming can halve the incidence of voices
presumably because voices, like thoughts, are made in the voice box, like speech except quieter (sub-vocalisation).

I repeat words to avoid thinking.

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