loved it Kormo, that was really good
Yeah very good Kormo!
So emotive!
Well done @Naek
Very good mate - i have jim brickman playing often off amazon, i love piano.
@Moonbeam - Sorry to derail - Silly question - love your avatar - is that one of the moomins off the 80’s tv show - its been niggling me lol.
@Naarai Yes, it’s a moomin.
Beautiful song!
@Moonbeam - Haha yes! Got so many happy childhood memories from that show. Sorry little things and little minds and all that lol
@Naek. How long have you been composing music? This piano piece is very good.
As a child - I always wanted to play the piano. I have the long “piano fingers” as im tall. Sung in a church choir amd always pestered the ChoirMaster to give me piano lessons. Mother could not afford it - £20 an hour! (this was 28 years ago) . I gave up my sundays to sing in all three services (Plus complins and Xmas) when needed - and the stingy ■■■■■■■wont even give me a free piano lesson.!!!
I sung in that choir for 20 years - going from treble to tenor in the back of the chancel. As well as succeeding in getting a choirgirl pregnant - and her mother was a church warden.
Sorry i digress - and i ramble. But these are the memories i remember.
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