Can’t get a free gf cause all I do is lay down and rot
Edit: BTW, it’s not that I don’t want to work, I simply don’t believe I can get a job due to the competition
Can’t get a free gf cause all I do is lay down and rot
Edit: BTW, it’s not that I don’t want to work, I simply don’t believe I can get a job due to the competition
Sorry this kinda sounds like a troll post now that I’ve reread it
I can’t get a job because I get positive symptoms and paranoid
feels man. For me right now, now that meds stabilized me, it’s prob just apathy for me right now and lack of belief in a job opening
I’m stable on my meds but if stress comes I go nuts
I cant work due to negative and cognitive symptoms…!!! Positive symptoms are okay for me…!!
Excuse me ?