I can predict future?

It’s my voice that’s doing the predicting,it was doing it to intimidate me

And the winning Lotto numbers are ?

I dont know​:cry::cry:15151515


It does not make you special though. When I close my eyes and I’m in front of the televsion or a window I can see what’s going on outside without looking. It is just brief interactions and I’m usually accurate. I’ll open my eyes and the stuff will be on the screen etc. or if you close your eyes and it’s bright outside sometimes you can see the outline of shadows or what’s around you.

Sounds terrifying

I’ve had déjà vu like that before too, where I swore I had been to a place in a dream. I always figured that it’s my mind playing tricks somehow. Until I predict the lottery numbers in my sleep, it’s just some sort of déjà vu.

We were watching television yesterday, my mom and I, when we saw a mother giving birth in a show. I made the remark that pregnancy seems creepy to me, because it reminds me of Russian Nesting Dolls. She thought this was funny. Anyway, later that night we decided to watch the Outer Limits on Hulu, since we found out it was streaming there.

I picked, out of 150 episodes, season 2 episode 7 's “First Anniversary.”

In this episode a gift is given between two women, a man opens it when he sees it and is curious, and it contains Russian nesting dolls. He takes the outer one apart, sees one inside, does this again, then sets them down.

I know I can’t predict the future, but it was a neat little deja vu’ moment. Pretty wild.

i cant predict ■■■■, i like being unpredictable in that way, i dont want to know whats going to happen in the future i want to just live my life and hope for a good outcome :slight_smile:

Do you ever watch Derren Brown? He is great at explaining tricks the mind plays on people and offers some pretty plausible explanations for people believing in supernatural things that turn out to be just normal things or pure coincidence. What appears to be beyond the possibility of probable likelihood for one person may just be a freak happening of several events, where for another 20,000 people nothing happened.

His show where he gets a person to get the winning horse every time is pretty good - someone somewhere WILL pick the winning horse every time… if there are 20 horses and 20 people pick different horses then 1 person is guaranteed to win. It doesn’t mean that they were psycic before the race.

For something to be truly random, there will be patterns that look non-random within the chaos - it has to be this way or it would not be random. However small a probability of something occurring, given enough time we would expect to see that improbably event turn up at some point.

No, but I am very interested based on what you’ve said. I’ll check it out.

I predict, that this post will remain open for at least another 8 days.

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Please dont mistake hallucinations and delusions for psychic ability

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Predicting the immediate future can happen. What happens is you’re in a situation you are familiar with and understand, and in the background your brain recognises telltale signs that something’s about to happen and tells you so but doesn’t tell you why… the result is you think you have some kind of power but really it’s just science.
It’s how firemen can sometimes tell a building is about to fall down. Their subconscious takes in creaks and other things that have happened before in their experience, just before a building collapsed, and the conscious brain doesn’t notice. The result being that “gut feeling” that is so often right.

So it may be that you just have really good tuition, in which case I applaud your observancy

(Probably won’t work of try to make a fortune in betting though)

I used to believe I could predict terror attacks

but it has to be when I’m not thinking about it

I posted that I want to visit Spain

then a week later, Spain gets a terrorist attack.

just kinda strange.

I find when I get a vision of the future and try to tell someone all I remember is the crazy stuff but I can tell others in church by talking in the speaker on stage head and I remember every thing I have come to believe voices must stay as voices and I was made mentally I’ll because I talk back a loud and not in voices to people hypnosis voice

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