I bought a Thai deodorant stone today!

It’s not just a normal deodorant it’s literally a crystal that you get wet and apply. No smells, 100% made of minerals! I think it’s really cool :slight_smile:


Maybe it works, but I just laughed when I read your topic. Maybe because it was unexpected on this forum. Never before -

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I got a small cactus from my sister as a gift… and forgot to give it water for a year. (how is that thing still semi-alive?) :slight_smile:

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I don’t like to wear deodorant because of the harmful chemicals so I was pretty excited about it! :smiley: and it has good reviews too!

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I love cactuses! :cactus: But why didn’t you water it for so long? Hahaha

Wow, that’s a coincidence. I bought some rock shampoo just two and a half days ago.

Can’t knock it unless you try it :yellow_heart:

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It’s actually cacti but I’ll let it slip. :sunglasses:

I think I just forgot about it.

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Hahaha you know I was questioning it but my auto correct didn’t put a red line under cactuses so I went with it :sunglasses:

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I had one of those a few years ago, it lasts a good while. It worked well for me :slight_smile:

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How much does it cost? Where do you get one?

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It was about $10, and had a 100% money back guarantee if it didn’t last a minimum of a year. I got it at a store called Wayne and Mary’s, an all organic store. So I’m sure any organic place :slight_smile: but you can get them online as well

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Both are acceptable.


I swear by PitROK!

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