I was going to go to a spiritual service every Sunday but without my wife being able to go with me, I don’t feel right about it. I did my inventory and feel like I started over in a big way spiritually and don’t need it now anyways…I read my spiritual book and I meditate…that’s enough, sorry, I thought I was going.
I dont go to church either even though I probably should
You can tune in to online services or tv services if it’s important to you
@LilyoftheValley oh thank you , yes I listen to youtube sermons…
Yeah some churches broadcast their services online. Or they can come to your home for a visit. Don’t feel bad about needing to be home. And yes you can watch on YouTube, too.
whats it called when someone decides to stay in place of comfort? someone who gets free lunch and breakfast on a scheduled time. each person gets a room, they can go to a open field and exercise or something.
There should be Zoom church gatherings I would imagine. I attend AA almost exclusively online these days. I like F2F meetings, but not covid.
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