last sunday i texted my brother in law for advice on buying a new laptop (he works in computers)…i got no responce from him…i waited and waited…but still no response
Some Background… my brother in law blatantly ignores me, never ever has he engaged in conversation with me, when we meet up at family do’s, he ignores me blatanty…the reason he takes issue with me is hes heard some sh!t about me concerning me and my schizophrenia…basically he has heard about crazy things ive done due to sz…and he is very judgemental…WONT TALK TO ME AT ALL…he has never spoken to me in nearly 30 years,
anyway, i contacted him on sunday by text to get advice on buying a new laptop…he ignored my text…so yesterday i texted his wife to sort things out and she told me he doesnt have time to deal with me and she said if you want to get advice off him you need to wait until tuesday the 27th october as she said he should have some time then…basically she was politely telling me that his attitude is to get lost…he wont help me
what bugs me is im always polite to him…and when he goes on holidays i look after his dog for two weeks…which annoys me as he couldnt give two hoots about me
and now christmas is coming and typically we have to spend the day at his house…bloody heck this is awful
how would you deal with a brother in law who has contempt for you…what would you do…wat should i do
This is a coincidence. I have the EXACT same scenario with sisters husband too. I say, ■■■■ that. I maintain basic decorum and I say he does too. That’s fine enough, no need to be buddy or receive anything more. Some people just do not want to know
I texted my brother yesterday to keep him in the loop of my stomach issues and he hasn’t responded yet.
Could be that he’s very busy but still would like some sort of response.
My brother-in-law and I just write via post office and don’t talk/text on the phone. I been paranoid for about a month and wrote some pretty bad stuff. He just tactfully stated facts about the issue. He’s a pretty good guy.
The fewer in-laws I have in my life, the better. I say well done you and good luck on alienating any remaining ones. Suggest not going there for Christmas, enjoy the day instead.
Not everyone will like you, and sometimes they won’t like you for stupid reasons, like their own prejudice against mental illness. Just don’t ask him for advice anymore, and focus your time and energy on people who like talking to you. Plenty of people here can advise you on a gaming computer. I would say not to waste your money on a gaming laptop, and stick with a desktop because you’ll get much more processing power for the money if you have a desktop.