I am sorry if this seems spam but I found this thread worthy

Post a cutest picture of your cat…?



Orestes with his purple fishy!



Is that a blue g string beside your cat?? @Zoe

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Posted a pic but it showed too much of my house. I’ll try to take a picture later, but she makes it hard to take her picture.


How do you pronounce Orestes? Or-Es-tes or o-restes??


Tiggy is outside girling. Charles is hiding underneath a china hutch. Sorry no pictures right now.

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The actual historical name is pronounced “or-RESS-teez”. Orestes was from Greek mythology.

However, my husband actually named Orestes that name because his favorite A Perfect Circle song was “Orestes”. Not knowing how to actually pronounce “Orestes” until several years later… we’ve been calling our cat “OR-ress-tess”. 'Cause we’re idiots. :smiley:

We still pronounce our cat’s name “incorrectly”, but it’s his name. It stuck. It is what it is.


@anon47167357, no, It is some trash

My cat died about a year ago. I miss him alot!

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I can imagine. I think I will miss my cat too when he passes away. He’s 14 atm. How old was your cat?

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He was 12 years old. His kidneys and liver gave up so I had to put him to sleep. I got angry because I couldn’t do anything for him.

He was the nicest friendliest cat. My neighbors adored him. It’s been lonely without him. Sometimes I think he’s there when I hear sounds coming from different places.

I don’t think I want another cat. It was very difficult for me to lose him. That’s life I guess!!

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Yea I still miss our Guinea pig and that was many years ago. It’s not too difficult but it does make me a bit sad thinking of his death.

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