I am really annoyed

I am very depressed
hallucinations fight with me many times in my day
do that
dont do that
we dont want you to do that and you dont respond to our request so you will …sleep
and when night come and when my day end …I found my day was several hours or hour or even minutes thats when I feel good and i feel ok
my day is full of depression really
I know the world full of ppl ( becoz of wars ) who are there problems harder so much than my problem
but I feel I am not good really and exhausted becoz of fight with the hallucinations and my day which turn into minutes or several hours !!!


hi any help appreciated of course

I have few times in my day that are good, too.

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I’m sorry…please tell your pdoc about the constant fight with your delusions.

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I also have voices that tell me to not go to class and keep repeating it.

It’s really annoying as well.

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I don’t have voices like that, but I just wanted to say that problems are relative and very personal. Yes, there are wars, and I cannot imagine what all those people are going through. But there is also regular, everyday life, and it’s okay to have an issue that seems less than if it were put on a scale of worldwide issues. That doesn’t make it any less or any real of a problem for you right now, and that’s okay.


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