I am making progress!

I have taken my meds for a over month straight and just started to take them on my own without supervision. On top of that I started a business which I am currently making a website for and I am enjoying it. This past month I have realized that I have SzA and that I need medication to live a normal life. Some days I lack insight and feel like I don’t have a problem at all and that I faked my psychosis. The grim statistics detailing the rapid decline in functioning after each relapse are keeping me in line. It’s a hard battle but I know it is going in the right direction. Hope I can hack college, if I can that would be great!


Good job :slight_smile: 1515

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That’s awesome. I do some freelance work but I don’t feel like I make enough money to justify opening a business.

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Freelance sounds very flexible and great for applying your talents and skills compared to working an ordinary job, glad you are able to find a niche. It’s going to take me a while to officially open the business, it is low cost to start but many months of work to ensure it will run smoothly.

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I do work an ordinary job, part-time, usually 2 days a week. I also do the freelance work which I enjoy because I get to do things my way. Where I live you HAVE to start an official business when you start making $20,000 or $30,000/year, I can’t remember which one it is. I don’t make that much freelancing so I haven’t opened up a business. But as a freelancer, I don’t legally have to charge tax which my clients like, however I do have to pay income tax on the money I earn come tax time.

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Im so proud of you <3

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Congratulations! I hope this is just the beginning for you :slight_smile:

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Hope you can hack college as well. Wishing you all the best.

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