I am intruder I have no brain

I don’t agree with you @anon48059102, and spare us from your rubbish.
You have this negative brainwashing that instead of resisting it you spread it here.

What can I do if I am not happy

@anon48059102 repeat in your brain I am happy. Repeat it many times.

It doesn’t work it’s ■■■■■■■■

you change your mind from day to day @anon48059102 . did you notice that? a lot of your posts are in contradiction

I don’t care what they are people changes everything changes

i am curious, how old are you?

29 years old what ?

maybe your having a middle age crysis. they come between 28-35 years old. and because of that you have a lot of questions and you seek more from life

29 is a young age

Everything is young . This planet is young too . What do you know how long it will live

Since when is 36 years old considered an advanced age? By these standards, I’m apparently a fossil. :flushed:


Old has no meaning

Life is about trying to make the most of a crap situation and living life with good morals and kindness
Journey through life and then all of us end up dead and none of us know what happens after that

Why do you think life is about trying to make most of the crap situations ? I think life is about nothing you exist and you die

But for some people they have good lives and others have crap situations but we have to survive

I have choice of course to survive but if you want to thrive that’s other mission you have to brainwash yourself that you are happy and make most of the situations

Life is a miracle isn’t it ?

But @anon48059102 you could get well and be able to enjoy life maybe find a partner

I am well but can’t enjoi life girls don’t find me interesting , I will see that in next week