I am having a busy day today

I have to do my chores. Also I have a phone appoitment with my doctor, about my sinus infection. I also just went to draw blood for my clozapine. I also just went to the bank.


Good for you Jake. Congrats on getting all that done.


really great that you getting things done!


Well done Jake. You’re doing really well.

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Thank you Mae…151515

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Well done! I have a busy day today too.

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Thank you SkinnyMe…151515

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I’m sorry you have a sinus infection. I used to get one of those every year, But it’s been awhile now since I’ve had one thankfully. I hope you get your antibiotics going and get feeling better really soon.

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Thank you leaf…I already took 2 rounds of antibiotics, and I still have a sinus infection.

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Oh no. I don’t know what they’ll do then. I guess they’ll need to try a different antibiotic. Or roto-rooter surgery.

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Thank you leafy…151515


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