I am gaining more and more weight every day

I’m up to my highest weight in over four years now: 162.8 lbs. I suspect it’s from drinking a lot of diet coke over the last two weeks. I got to turn this around. Last time I quit drinking diet pop, I lost a lot of weight: 50 lbs. to be exact. I’m going back to only drinking plain tap water, and black, unsweetened decaf coffee.

I’m also cutting out the cookies. I usually eat 3 or 4 a day at approximately 120 to 200 calories each. That’s a lot of wasted calories. I have a voracious sweet tooth though. I’m going to replace the cookies with dry Cinnamon Life cereal. Just eat a handful of that whenever I get a sweet craving. It seems to work.

@SkinnyMe how tall are you? 162 is not that high depending on your height, gender and age. I’d kill to be at 162, 170 is my goal weight.

I’m not trying to discount your struggle I’m just curious of your height.

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I’m 5 foot 8.5 inches. I’m female and 60 years old now.

@SkinnyMe If that’s your height then your bmi computes to 24.6 which is in the normal weight range.

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@Hanna_Foxx, I know. I just don’t like the way my weight is inching up and up every day. At this rate, my BMI will soon be in the overweight category and then, given enough time, in the obesity category if I don’t take some action to reverse this trend.

I’m just sure it’s all due to my diet pop consumption and my excess cookie consumption. So, I’m doing something about it. Thank you for your observations.

@SkinnyMe I’m sorry I wasn’t trying to discount what your concerns were, your plan sounds like a good healthy idea and I wish you luck with it!

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If I weighed what you weigh a 5 mph wind would topple me over. If I weighed 30 pounds more I’d be celebrating big time. I guess it’s a matter of perspective.

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Fat is good. Keep at it

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