I am fat and I hate it

How can I love my fat self?


What’s one small change you can make today and stick to that will start reversing this problem for you?


I tried many, small changes don’t make a difference. I have been replacing my breakfast with a 180 calories protein bar for months and sometimes I don’t even eat that and I don’t eat until 1pm. Today I didn’t eat until 3pm. Also been months I eliminated sugar, I have been drinking 0 sugar 0 calories drinks instead. My weight is still the same. My negative symptoms and staying in bed 24/7 doesn’t help.

On Abilify I used to eat more and more junk but I was 100lb less.


Because I went to the gym 4x a week for 1-2hrs eaxh time.


Find one aspect of yourself that you like, and focus on that. And keep that in mind when you present yourself to the world. That confidence - even if it’s about one little thing - will come through.

Me, I gained about 20# from Caplyta (even though they swore to me it was weight neutral; now I’m back on Geodon, thank god), and even though I felt uncomfortable at first going out and traveling the past few days, I put my confidence in the fact that I’m sexy, I have pretty hair, pretty eyes, and a strong presence. So I focus on that while I walk around.

In the meantime, I’m getting back to eating well, and hopefully to adding back exercise.

Maybe you can do like @shutterbug said, and make one small change at a time. Maybe it’s not a physical change, or a food change, but an attitude change.


Can you arrange to have pre-cut vegetables and cleaned fruit ready in the fridge that you can eat when you’re hungry instead of things like sandwiches laying around? Can you pound one large glass of water before every meal or snack to reduce how much you eat?


I used to eat lots of fruits but now less because of sugar. I tried salad diet but even after eating a huge bowl of salad I was hungry after only 20min. I eat lots of bread, this my problem. Rice, bread, pasta, toast, etc

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I even eliminated chocolate and chips, candies etc

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I can’t stay full on salads. I have switched to vegetable soups. They are more filling and make it easier to control my appetite.



@Pandy you kick *ss :muscle:



Thank you!! I know there are a good number of people on this site who don’t feel that way, so it’s nice to hear.

You kick some serious butt, yourself, friend…


Soups are definitely filling. Even having clear broth before you eat is filling.


Thanks, I just be me… but that sounded like an optimal vacation!! You get 10 pts :cool:


It takes calories to maintain 300lbs of weight. If you reduce your calories you will lose weight.

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I have been dieting all year and I’m still stuck at around 230lbs. I don’t know what to do. It’s unhealthy to eat the small amount of calories I eat but it’s also unhealthy to be obese.


Are you doing any form of exercise in addition to the dieting?

I walk once a week around the track at the university for about an hour but I absolutely hate it and never want to do it again. It’s so boring! I have to do it until next year because it’s part of my treatment plan.


When you have to eat so much ap, you are destined to be fat for life

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You’re not the only one my dude. Seems very difficult to NOT gain weight on the meds.
I think remember that change is never too late, but you have to work at it. Fix your diet, and get moving nearly every single day. Much easier said than done.


I mean what do you already do to maintenance your body?

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