I am failing a class

I thought I had an A to find out I am actually failing the social work class. Its because I was in the hospital for two weeks. I contacted the teacher who has been out on maternity leave most of the time, and asked her if I can withdraw before the summer semester is over.

Feeling guilt and unworthiness ripping at my insides. I just want to finish and get a certificate because I am tired of letting people down including myself. I am passing my psychology class or I should be I have turned each assignment in, done the exam and discussions all on time, and the paper which was never graded by the teacher so I had to email her too and ask why she didnt grade my essay.

I am scared I will fail at the warehouse job. I will be working two days in a row 12 hour shifts from 6:00am to 6:30pm and I dont know if I can do this. I will try my hardest because there’s nothing else out there for me. Im not going to do anything with this certificate to be honest I just wanted a piece of paper that said that my endless classes and grades amounted to anything at all.


I had to drop out of a college program once. In the end it all worked out. I was in the hospital too.


I wouldnt worry about failing a class if your end goal is the piece of paper. Your goal doesnt match the stress youre giving yourself. You should be easy going about this.

Good luck with the job.

University was easier than work for me. I was only able to maintain a job, for a year, while I was on Latuda 80mg. On Abilify the longest job I had was 3-4 weeks.


I got my university degree while I was on Abilify.


Want do you mean? The disability folks at your college are not getting you an accommodation for two weeks in the hospital? That’s barbaric!

I was in trouble a lot in college. I found out when I was in trouble I would sit in someone’s office with someone who had the power to help or hurt me.

That learning translates very well to the welfare system in the USA.


As someone who failed a number of classes in college, don’t worry so much. The first time I ever failed a class I felt exactly like you, horrified, worthless, like a failure, etc. And then I realized oh wait I can just retake it. It replaced my grade and it ended up being a non issue. So by the time I failed another class I learned to not be so hard on myself, and just say hey I’ll do my best the next time around. And I did end up graduating slightly late but it really wasn’t a big deal at all.

And for the job thing, every single week before my job I freak out thinking oh my god I can’t do it I won’t be able to do it and every week I do get through it. Don’t automatically assume you’ll fail, give yourself a chance to see if you are able to do it. And if you can do it, awesome, remind yourself you can do it. If you can’t do it its just not for you.


Based on reading numerous mentions of test results, on forums and social media,many nowadays see < A- as a failure. IMO that’s not healthy. The weight of expectation, and the mental and/or physical stress it can cause,places a heavy burden on current students. Failing to be brilliant’, but being good/very good, is no failure at all.

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I’d talk to the disability office. Also if you can’t get a hold of the professor after repeated attempts jump over her head and talk to the department chair. You’re allowed accommodations as long as you have a note from the hospital.

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I would probably have to get a note from my psychiatrist. I also dont know anything about their disability services or what they could offer. Maybe extended time to do assignments since it is all online and I have been struggling even at first finding out where the assignments were. I was absent two weeks due to a health cause the blood clots etc. and my teacher was somewhat understanding but also absent due to maternity leave in the end I had to drop the class it wont affect my financial aid and I’ll retake it in the fall.

thanks Anna that was really good advice. I will try not to overthink the work. If it becomes too much I will ask for accomidations but I dont know I will prob go to the HR department if its like impossible but on the first day I will just try and manage to at least see if its too much physically. I have mulitple disabilites now: my schizophrenia just makes it harder for me to socialize or communicate assertively sometimes, and the emotional drain can be a toll. then there is the physical aspect of my muscle condition that Isnt obv and is painful where my legs ankles etc are affected the most and I will be standing for 12 hours with only two or three breaks in between. still, I will try my best.

The main thing they are concerned about is attendance, but if they wont accomidate me for physical issues than I wont be able to come back.

I am passing my psychology class and really happy with that.

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Does you college have disability services? You may get those requirements waived . . .

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