I am about to explode

I ate too much. Idk why everytime I keep eating until I get stomach pain even when eating healthy like salads. How can I eat less? My brother told me to take breaks when eating so the stomach has time to tell the brain that its full.

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This is great advice. Eat a bit, then wait 20 minutes. If you’re still hungry eat a little more. I try to stick to the serving size portion. 1 serving, then wait for a while and eat another serving size portion.


Have you tried drinking a large glass of water about 10 min before eating? Fills you up sooner and you eat less.


Yes, I often drink 500ml of water before eating or with food.

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Would calorie counting and weighing out your portions help? Perhaps do a week logging your usual foods, then begin slowly restricting?

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I heard eating popcorn fills your stomach, so maybe bulky foods that aren’t dense? Cereal, Rice? IDK I suck at nutrition advice.

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True, I had popcorn for dinner a few days ago but idk if I can have it everyday lol

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Divide your plate into fourths. Eat 1/4 of your food every hour. That should help in many ways. Eat slowly and don’t use straws.


My nurse counselor, case manager told me that Risperdal affects parts of the brain that makes one hungry even when your full.
The trick is to wait 10 minutes when you are feeling hungry.
Usually your hunger will subside after 10 minutes passes.

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I find it helpful to have high fiber foods all cut up and ready like raw fruits & veggies. (Better for you and fiber fills you up easier). Also try eating slowly and thankfully. Think about the time and effort that goes into the food you eat, it’s a great mind shift from feeling empty. We almost never think about our food from seed to plate and all that goes into it.

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I think you need to eat less and allow your stomach to shrink. In the beginning it’s hard but afterwards it gets better.

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I did this too yesterday, ate 2 pizzas. But yolo

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I eat out of boredom a lot. Need to stop this. I can’t fit into clothes. And refuse to buy clothes. Maybe just wear a robe, i never leave the house.

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