Huff Post - The Strength Behind People With Mental Illness

There’s a very uninformed, ongoing stigma that mental illness is some sort of weakness. There’s an equally uninformed stigma that if a person can’t “deal with” their mental illness on their own, that they’re weak. Both of these mindsets reflect a willful lack of education, but they are not what I want to address here. What I want to address is that not only are these stigmas inaccurate, but they couldn’t be farther from the truth. People who deal with mental illness have an incredible amount of strength, even though many times they don’t see it.


I am always amazed that my son is still here and
still fighting-tenacious, stubborn and determined he is!


It’s quite humorous sometimes actually.

The ones going through the least talk about strength the most.

I remember what it was to be healthy, it was so so easy and it felt so so good.

Yep. The ones going through the least call others weak the most.


Hats off to that.