Hows everybodys saturday going?

yea thanks, i hope she forgives me, i made a mistake. can’t you leave a message in there voicemail saying i was suppose to get an phonecall yesterday?

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i hope you will know more about the job soon @Zoe
waiting sucks huh…


The phone message would be shaky and awkward as I’m under pressure wanting this job.

I better not leave a phone message…

It could go wrong as has happened to me in the past.



why would it go wrong? nothing bad would happen to you, because its there job to call because they were suppose to call you, so just a reminder thats all, you wont lose your job because of a message believe me.

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Haha yea it sucks big time but it is part of the process, yikes.

Thanks LekkerHondje

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I’m sure your original apology is enough. Plus, you changed the behavior that bothered your mom so that’s what matters most.

What book is it?


I would sound very afraid on the phone message or very fake trying to act confident when clearly I’m not. It just puts me on the spot too much as once I’ve left a message, I cannot delete it., eek.

Thanks for the suggestion though!

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This is book im reading is great book i love it. :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:
If you want to read it too, its cheap on ebay, its only 5 dollars, plus its has alot of helpful technique’s and knowledge to help deal with anxiety, depression and stuff like that.
download (5)


Ya somethings are great here

U must definitely visit once

Where in USA do you live

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okay i understand, its your choice though i cant force it to do it, but nothings going to happen though. just a simple reminder thats all. lol

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Thanks @oe1489!

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Sure no problem :slightly_smiling_face:

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I live the state of New Jersey. Very expensive to live here, one the most expensive state to live in. But theres alot of jobs here though thats the good thing about the state of New Jersey.

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Unfortunately, I can’t afford it right now. Maybe in the future

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No, no i understand, im not forcing you to buy it, of course if cant afford right now thats okay im saying if you want it in the future when you have the money, its only 5 dollars on ebay.


My Saturday is going fine. Although, I woke up late and have not had much time to survey the situation. As far as I know everything is going fine today.

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Oh cool! I missed that somehow. Thanks!!!

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Yea i understand :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

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I lived in nj too

Journal square and north Brunswick

I used to work in the wtc in lower Manhattan

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Thats cool, my day is going okay today.

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