How's 77nick77

How’s he going anyone know? I haven’t been consistently posting for a long time but I did see and post when I heard he was having a rough trot. Anyway hope ur ok mate! :+1:



Just a shout out…

hope things are starting to get better.


Not doing so good but thanks for asking.I’m kinda afraid I might end up on some back ward in a hospital for the rest of my life. It’s that serious.

Why do you think that?
You mean it could get worse with the symptoms or financial issues or something else?

I really hope you’ll pull out of this Nick. You are such a good person.

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Thanks Sarad, I needed to hear that. I have hid my disease for 35 years and now I can’t hide it any longer. It’s a huge adjustment.

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Hi 77nick77,
just popped in after a while.
Sorry you’re not doing so hot.
Anything we can do?
Take care,


You guys are doing great. Just everybody telling me positive things helps a lot.

Well you know I can back to visit just because I missed you.

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Well you should be proud because you are such an incredible human soul with the illness. Some folks can’t make it even when they have all the proper instruments.


Don’t be so hard on yourself please.

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Hey @77nick77, just thought I’d pop in and let you know that I’ve been thinking of you. Knowing the odds you’ve beat before, I have confidence in you that you will turn this setback around. I hope you get the treatment you deserve and that it takes as little time and trouble as possible. Keep up the fight!


Hello Nick, I hope you get to feeling better real soon, take care dude.

Hey @77nick77 I know you can pull through, you’ve already been through so much, this is just another bump on the road but that’s it. Don’t give up, we’re here for you. You can go through this, I’m sure of it.

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rooting for you nick, hope things get better for you, here’s a song…

At least you have a roof over your head. Hopefully this is just a tactical retreat. Best of luck @77nick77

Oh, Nick. 35 years is quite an accomplishment. It makes me think that you can face this and whatever else comes your way.

Give yourself time to regroup. You’ve suffered some terrible blows recently - if you weren’t feeling rocked back and demoralized, I’d honestly be a little concerned about mania. Be kind to yourself, cut yourself some slack, and accept what help is offered in getting back on your feet. Take your time.

You’re a champ, Nick. We’re all pulling for you.


I’ve avoided posting in this thread because I don’t wanna believe such a nice guy like nick is struggling like that :crying_cat_face:

Good luck man

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:rabbit: hug
:hamster: hug
:bear: hug
:koala: hug
:mouse: hug
for you 77nick77…you can do this :heart:
take care :alien:

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Thank you for all the well-wishes people. I’ll come back to this thread when I’m feeling down.

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I’m sorry your hitting a rough spot… Understandable… with all that’s been going on…

You pulled through once… you can do it again.

Be kind to yourself. Your a great person and have been an inspiration to me as well.

I’m wishing the best for your always.


Hang in there Nick - This shall pass - Stay strong