How to thicken ones' skin

Over fear of rejection.

From people?

There are loads of ways but one thing you could do is to try to risk being rejected and see how it goes. It’s probably not as bad as you imagine.


I don’t think it’s the act of being rejected people are afraid of but afraid of trying and not knowing the outcome, uncertainty. Either that or maybe even the fear of trying

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I’m curious who you used to be.

I guess it is a secret though

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I’m not saying that this will work for everyone, but my fear of rejection was reduced after lots of experiences of being…well…rejected. You soon get over it. You soon learn not to invest so much emotion into one or two things. It is best to keep your options open. But it does depend on the circumstance you’re in.

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I was actually thinking about that.

If I’m rejected when I find a boyfriend,

Then I can just move on

Just try and enjoy the present

Because everyone is entitled to freedom to reject. Including me

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Fear of rejection usually comes from being lonely and lack of self-confidence.

Im just as guilty of it. I suppose you gotta learn to have more faith in yourself - and be more emotionally self-reliant.

Just remind your self that your a good person - and its their loss.

Your never gonna click with everyone.

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My skin is so thick those damn snakes cannot infect me with their venom

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Always be prepared to laugh it off

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