How to stop heart pains?

When I’m on abilify I get heart pains. Does anyone have advice for getting rid of them? Does abilify raise blood pressure or something?

If you’re getting heart pains then you need to talk to your doctors immediately.


Yes please talk with a doctor about it immediately.


Thanks maybe i should change meds. It’s not the most dramatic pain I kinda gave it under control but just generally I think it raises my blood pressure or something, exasperating an underlying heart problem

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You need to see a cardiologist. My cardiologist instructed my pdoc to lower clozapine.


Thanks for the good advice wave

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Please see a GP.

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Thanks Jonathan. I’m only 30 and don’t have any real serious consistent heart problems so idk what a cardiologist would do for me. In fact I went to the hospital for heart pains 3 times in the past at a time when I was experimenting with medicinal herbs (took way too many). Doctor send me away and said I quote “there’s nothing wrong with you”, even though I was on the brink of a heart attack.

Not sure what they could do other than maybe prescribe me blood pressure lowering medication. Just wondering if anyone out there has any coping mechanism’s?

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You don’t have a blood pressure monitor?

When I went to the cardiologist they took an ECG, an echo of my heart, and did a test of checking my heart while I was on a stationary bike with increased levels of intensity. They were able to reassure me that nothing structurely was wrong but that it was the meds (I’m 34).

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If not you can measure it in pharmacies for free. At least here they have one in every pharmacy.

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No I don’t. I dint think it’s my blood pressure tho to be honest. It’s more like sharp pains. Really trying to figure out why this happens. Maybe the meds are making me dehydrated or something exasperating whatever heart problems I do have

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Thanks I appreciate that

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Let your Dr know. It could be many thing, also it could be heart burn. I get that after eating food sometimes. I also get abdominal pain when sitting for more than 30 min, my Dr said its the abdominal muscles contracting. He listened to my heart and lungs.


Thanks. I talk to my doctor Friday so I could mention it to him if I want. ThanKS!

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With a stethoscope.

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have your gp doc take an ECG… then they can see if there is anything wrong with your heart

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See a doctor immediately.

No you don’t. You’re very lucky you’re getting advance notice something is wrong, many aren’t so fortunate. Take it from a heart patient that you need to see a doctor IMMEDIATELY.

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Thanks lekker youre probably right. Last year I called the ambulance because I felt like I was going to have a heart attack (from eating too many herbs) and they attached as device to my chest with stickies idk if that’s an ecg

Okay thanks @shutterbug I’ve taken note if the urgency of it. I talk to my doctor on Friday so I might mention it then. Otherwise if I find it hurtingthanjs. Always stop my meds until I can have a consultation thanks.

It’s pretty inconsistent pain so…generally it’s fine. It’s just sometimes here and there I’ll get mild sharp pains. Still I’ll take it seriously at your heeding